Canyoneering Adventures
Canyoneering refers to travel through or occupation of a steep narrow area requiring the use of a variety of wilderness techniques. It is transforming. It reaches in and brings out the child in all of us as it combines all levels of exploration: hiking, splashing through streams, scrambling over boulders, problem-solving with peers, and rappelling through waterfalls into cold pools.
Canyoneering is the fastest growing sport in Zion National Park and Southwest Utah, with hundreds of people making their way through the labyrinth of slots the Park offers. Some canyons are easy to descend and require no special skills at all; others require wilderness-level planning and training and offer immense physical and mental challenges. Whatever your state of readiness, there is a canyon in the desert awaiting you.
Canyoneering Links
Joe’s Guide to Zion National Park
Red Desert Adventure Canyoneering
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